Love Illustrated


Love Illustrated
Spiritual Sunglasses

None of us were perfect,
Without flaw,
Merely broken pieces,
Held together by the hope,
That someone will take us off the shelf,
And drink from a cup,
That is cracked and missing a handle.
Because of our brokenness,
People have to drink from us with care,
And we have to trust,
That they will not drop,
Or destroy,
What we are entrusting them with,
Believing that we all contain a sweet nectar,
Worth more than tasting,
Deserving of consuming,
And beneficial for any one,
That allows us to satisfy their hunger pains,
Their desire to partake,
Of something that can cure the ills of one who sits in lack,
Waiting for the provision to be given,
Like freeze dried food,
Package for the journey,
Lowering our barriers,
We give hydration,
And that hydration turns what seems incapable of fulfilling us,
Into a meal that would satisfy any hunger,
Learning to appreciate the satisfaction found in us is difficult,
Because alone we can not satisfy ourselves,
Because there are only something’s and places,
That can be touched by someone that is not us,
Until the barrier is lowered,
We remain islands to ourselves,
Waiting to be inhabited not by a civilian,
Not a civilization,
Truly desiring for someone to inhabit our garden,
Nourish its life and vegetation,
Not just preserving it,
But causing it flourish,
Leaving for the world to see,
All the beauty that was there all the time,
But was under developed,
And un-cared for by a caretaker who saw all the flaws,
Thus could not focus on the fullness of the creation,
Finally, we receive someone,
Someone who is able to see the full potential,
And beauty of the landscape, called Me.
Who new that letting down the barrier would allow such beauty to arise from mere dust and water?


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